Tech Needs You.
Just as you are.

Join Girls in Tech to discover inspiring programs and a diverse community designed to help you enter into, and excel in, tech.

Our Stories

We’re changing tech

Women have made up less than 25 percent of the hires in tech over the past 20 years. That needs to change. Girls in Tech is building a diverse and inclusive tech workforce — one you’d be proud to be a part of. There’s room for all of us in tech. Join us!


We have the support you need

Build the soft skills you need to succeed — the ones that often go overlooked, but are invaluable in the workplace. For example, develop better communication and stronger leadership skills.

About Us

Tech has a new look

For years, tech excluded many of us. Things are changing. Tech is evolving. And Girls in Tech is here to steer it in the right direction.

Inviting Every Skillset

Coders, marketers, designers, strategists and more are essential.

Including Every Perspective

Diverse backgrounds and views help us build a stronger community.

Welcoming Everyone

An introvert or an extrovert, an idealist or a realist, you’re needed.

Programs Designed For You


Ramp up fast.

Local Events

Find your next hire — or new friend.

Jobs Board

Discover the job that’s right for you.


Develop your soft skills.

Digital Events

Webinars, virtual hackathons and more.

The Girls in Tech Blog

See the stories

We aim to see every person accepted, confident and valued in tech — just as they are. So, when you’re asked how you fit into the industry, we want you to boldly say: As I Am.